Vice- Principal’s Message
Hemanth Uppala

“Imagination is the source of all human achievement” – Sir Ken Robinson
College education helps set goals and set targets in life. A college molds our life with knowledge, confidence, wisdom, and values and equips us with the ability to contribute to society’s betterment. At Dayananda Sagar College of Arts, Science and Commerce, we provide a platform for a student to develop into a professional through a holistic approach.
With the implementation of NEP – 2020, various learning opportunities have been incorporated in the syllabus for multi-disciplinary flexibility to the student to reflect their passion and interests. During the last few years and especially after the pandemic the world has seen a tremendous dependence on technology which in turn threw a plethora of opportunities being generated. These opportunities can be embraced by students with the correct skillset. At DSCASC our focus is to shape future-ready professionals with more attention to tech and soft skills.
We welcome you all to this great institution to explore the various opportunities available for the development of a complete human personality.
Wishing you all the best.