Digital Library
Digital Library Services
Digital libraries have played crucial role in promoting equitable access to knowledge among research, scholars and students from different parts of the world. Digital library has been established in the networked environment having 24 systems.
Library provides access to the following.
- Eshodhsindhu
- Capitaline database
- National digital library
- E-Question papers
- E-Books
- OPAC Search services

EBSCO Coverage
- Full text peer revived journals - 517
- Journals indexed in WOS - 225
- Journals indexed in Scopus - 282
- Computer science journals - 93
- Indexed in ABDC quality list (Australian business deans council) Journals Quality List- 212
- Journals & Magazines - 1060 full text journals
- Company Profiles More Than - 10,000
- Case Studies More Than - 4500
- Videos - nearly 75,000 videos from associated press.
- Market Research Reports - 12
- Industry Reports - 21
- Financial Reports - 88
- Conference Proceedings & Conference Papers - 6
- SWOT Analysis – 2700

E-Journals & e-books can be accessed through remote access also with their login credentials.
E-Journals - 10,000
E-Books - 1,99,500
Capitaline Database
- Companies – 23,000
- Financial Data – 2,500
- Industries – 300
Search options:-
- Presenting the financial data in seven formats Manufacturing, Banking, Finance, software.shiping hotel & power. Balance sheet or P& L can be read in different depths.
- Corporate actions, Announcements, Bulletins, Notices and Board meetings.
National Digital Library

- Articles - 47,36,507
- Audio lecture - 262
- Book - 11,31,556
- Question paper - 36,091
- Thesis - 95,398
- Video lecture - 19,520
National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning

- Video course - 350
- Video lectures - 12,000
E - Question Papers
Previous years question papers are made available in library OPAC and also in google drive link provided below. For further assistance you can contact library staff.
E– Books
- Electronic book, digital file containing a body of text and images suitable for distributing electrically and displaying on-screen in a manner similar to a printed book. The benefits of e-books over the print version are great, particularly to anyone in an academic or research environment. First and foremost, the information is available 24/7. Once a library purchases the e-book, it is available to multiple users at time.
Library has subscribed management and computer science eBooks from Wiley publishers. - Some of the open source e-books on Management, Computers Science and Biological Science
are made available in the OPAC and also in google drive link provided below.