Library Services
Library Automation
Library is automated with libsoft 12.0.0 web version The Integrated Library management software
Enhanced search facility to locate books, members, purchase orders and vendors quickly.
Web OPAC with online Reservation, Search for materials digital library content across the network and access through webopac.
Reference Service
Library has reference collections consists of Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Handbooks, Core Commerce, Computer books and Competitive exam books. 150 students can sit and read in the reference section. New arrivals services are made available.
Referral Service
A type of reference service in which an information seeker is directed to an agency or expert outside the library wherefrom the information may be obtained.Any needy users requires more specialized information have been referred to use other reputed libraries like National Digital Library, NPTEL, IIMB & British Library etc.
Current Awareness Service
In the CAS service, the reader is contacted with the latest information. This service is important for the reader who wants to know the latest development only in his specific subject.
"CAS tries to provide the reader with the latest information about his specific subject and related topics in an expeditious manner."
Newspaper Clipping Service
The Library has been compiling newspaper clippings on the areas like Higher Education, Business news, Literature ,Government notifications, IT , Job notifications training, Bulletin board services and DSI news from various newspapers are scanned & mailed to the respective faculty members and library reserves the clippings for the future references.
User Awareness
The library takes an active part in the orientation programme for the benefit of new students in the beginning of academic year. They are taken around the library to familiarize them with various resources and services available in the Library.
New Arrivals
Newly procured latest editions of books are displayed as new arrivals in the reference section to familiarize latest additions in the library.
Book Bank
- SC/ST students are eligible to use this facility.
- Along with 3 regular books 2 more additional books will be issued to SC/ST students.
- SC/ST students should produce attested copy of their caste certificate at circulation section.
Inter library Loan
Our college has Institutional membership with IIM library Bangalore. Students and faculty members can make use of this facility for more information contact ground floor library.
IRINS Service
IRINS is web-based Research Information Management (RIM) service developed by
the Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre. The portal facilitates the academic & researchers to showcase the scholarly communication activities and provide an opportunity to create the scholarly network.
The IRINS would support to integrate the existing research management system such as HR system, course management, grant management system, institutional repository, open and commercial citation databases, scholarly publishers, etc. It has integrated with academic identity such as ORCID ID, Scopus ID, Research ID,
Microsoft Academic ID, Google Scholar ID for ingesting the scholarly publication from various sources.
Faculty Publications
DSCASC faculty’s disseminate their research in working publications and papers that contribute to public knowledge and fuel policy innovation. This list features recent faculty publications, including journal articles, books, edited volumes, research papers, and public testimony.
- To facilitate, guide and collaborate with faculty members to publish research papers in UGC, Scopus Indexed, Web of Science Indexed and ABDC Listed Journals.
- To convert students’ project reports into research papers / case study and publishing in Journals.
- To explore the possibility of offering consultancy services to industry in respect of conducting market surveys, feasibility study, preparation of business plan, and conducting MDPs.
- To facilitate writing proposals to seek funds from Govt. and Private Agencies.
- To foster the research culture in the campus.
- To coordinate with Bangalore University regarding ‘Research Centre’ activities leading to Phd.

Library is automated with Libsoft softwareLibrary provides OPAC services. Members can search library resources with their login credentials.
- Check availability of library document
- Check status & location of library document
- Reserve checked-out document
- View/ Download E-Question Papers
- Search E-Resources
Library Books Recommendation Form
Faculty and students can recommend the books through google form

Library Feedback
Students are welcomed to give their suggestions & feedback in the google form